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Photos: William Hamilton
March 2012 Uplifting My Sisters
The Man Behind the Stripes- Congressman Scott
Uplifting My Sisters will host a leadership luncheon to celebrate the courageous journey of the community leader, Rep Tim Scott, who embraced the possibilities to live beyond social and economic limitations.
Keynote speaker Rep. Tim Scott is the first African-American Republican elected to Congress from South Carolina in 114 years.
He will discuss the importance of leadership and how it can to enhance family, business, and community relationships
From Actual Press Release
The Post and Courier
Rep. Scott to speak at business luncheon
Mar 16 2012 12:01 am Mar 26 12:39 pm
U.S. Rep. Tim Scott, R-S.C., will address an April 7 luncheon in Charleston, an event sponsored by Uplifting My Sisters, a group that promotes women business ownership.
Scott is expected to talk about the importance of leadership and how it can enhance family, business, and community relationships
Photo: William Hamilton
Congressman Final Points
Do you know how success compares to significance?
Listen to how Congressman Scott explains it..
Video: William Hamilton